

Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that results from a neurological event, such as a stroke or brain injury. While aphasia does not impact intelligence, it does make it difficult to understand speech and written words and express one’s self verbally and in writing. Daily activities, social interactions and learning new things that require speech can be impacted at varying degrees from the onset of aphasia.

Aphasia therapy focuses on rebuilding an individual’s natural speech. Multiple communication strategies may be implemented to achieve the goals established at the start of therapy; this approach is called multi-modal and may include gesturing, pointing, speech, writing, drawing and body language. A toolbox of resources is used to support different needs of people with aphasia and these tools can often be personalized to support individual needs and goals.

The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) was created by aphasia therapists to prioritize the individual with aphasia and their interests when designing a treatment strategy and plan. The LPAA mindset focuses on helping people with aphasia get back to doing things that they want to do and emphasizes the importance of consistently addressing patient needs from day one using supported conversation strategies that are multi-modal.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is one of the multi-modal strategies that can support individuals with aphasia and their communication partners. AAC is a tool that naturally fits in typical aphasia therapy situations as a communication repair strategy and it can be a back-up for communication if a person with aphasia is struggling to find the right words.

Aphasia Communication Support

Research and learning from customer feedback has guided the development of a suite of AAC communication tools that can help individuals with aphasia and their families, caregivers and therapists. The focus of these tools, known as Snap Core First with Aphasia Page Set, is to support the person with aphasia on their journey towards natural speech with easy-to-use tools that focus on improving participation in everyday life and providing communication partners with supplemental communication strategies. 

Snap Core First with Aphasia Page Set provides a single destination for a range of tools that can be customized to support the goal of getting back to natural speech in the following ways:

Snap Core First with Aphasia Page Set is available at mytobiidynavox.com. Sign up for your free account, try it at no cost and contact us if you have questions.


Aphasia Topic Interest Inventory

Snap Core First with Aphasia Page Set Training Cards

Communication Activity & Therapy Guide for Aphasia


Articles at a Glance

Comprehension of Synthetic Speech and Digitized Natural Speech by Adults with Aphasia

Drawing in Aphasia

High Context Images

Remediation and Compensation

Review of AAC for PWA

Review of Communication Based Interventions

Review of Life Participation Approach

Review of Tell Me Your Story

Self Captured Photographs

Visual Scene Displays


Implementation Guides

AAC Needs Assessment

Communication Partner Techniques

Participating in Everyday Activities

Telling Your Stories


Tobii Dynavox Podcast Series

Episode 1: What is Aphasia?

Episode 2: Overcoming Barriers to AAC and Aphasia

Episode 3: Aphasia Page Set Tools